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Simpler libary for HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax.

querySelector but using jQuery

Using jQuery, we can get elements like $("h1"); which selects ALL the h1's, not just the first.

document.querySelector("h1"); // is same as
jQuery("h1"); // is same as
$("h1"); // best and shortest method

Using jQuery in Website

Good method is to use a CDN. Google is the most popular host.

From here you just copy the <script> section and place it in the html just before you include your own js file (just before the closing body tag).

You can have the scripts in the header, but then you need the following in your js file to make sure loaded in correct order. Like:

$(document).ready(function () {
$("h1").css("color", "red");

Manipulating DOM using jQuery

Change CSS

// changes h1 color to green
$("h1").css("color", "green");

Get Current Property Value

// returns the color of the h1


Adding, removing, and checking.

// add a class

// can add multiple classes separated by spaces
$("h1").addClass("big-title margin-50");

// remove class

// check if item has the class "big-title", returns a bool


// changes h1 text to "Bye"

// editing HTML


// returns the "src" attribute of "img"

// changes href attribute of the anchor tags on page
$("a").attr("href", "");

Event Listeners

jQuery events

// click example
$("h1").click(function () {
// do something on click
// this does that for ALL h1's

// you can also use ".on();"
$("h1").on("mouseover", function () {
// do something on mouseover over h1

Add Elements

Use .before(), .after(), .prepend(), and .append().

// adds a button before any h1's

// can also use ".after()"

// adds something inside the h1, but before the other content in the h1

// adds something inside the h1, but after the other content in the h1

Remove Elements

$("button").remove(); // removes all buttons from website


Effect documentation

  • .show()
  • .hide()
  • .toggle() // shows or hides
  • .fadeOut() // slowly hides
  • .fadeIn()
  • .fadeToggle()
  • .slideUp()
  • .slideDown()
  • .slideToggle() // great for drop down menus
  • .animate() // slowly changes a css rule. Can only use numerical value css rules
    • Ex. $("h1").animate({margin: "10px"});

You can chain these and they will happen one after another.

// will slide up, then down, then animate
$("h1").slideUp.slideDown.animate({ margin: "10px" });